Wednesday, October 25, 2017

How Can You Replace Missing Teeth?

Tooth loss impacts more than your appearance. When you’re missing one or more teeth, your ability to bite or chew may be affected, too. Tooth loss can even affect your speech and your general oral health. There are many good reasons to replace missing teeth, and several replacement options from which to choose.

Options for Tooth Replacement


A bridge is a dental device that replaces a row of one to three missing teeth. The restorations are flanked on either side by crowns, which anchor the device by fitting over the teeth adjacent to the gap. Most bridges are made from porcelain fused to a ceramic or metal base. The bridge is a non-surgical restoration option but once placed is fixed permanently in the mouth. This means you clean them while brushing your teeth, so bridges are easy to care for.


A denture consists of one or more acrylic resin tooth restorations that is fused to a metal and acrylic base that fits over your gums. They can replace any number of missing teeth.
Like the bridge, dentures are a non-surgical option for tooth replacement. However, the dentures are removable and must be cleaned separately using a special denture cleaner. Some people experience problems with dentures, mainly because they’re not fixed permanently in the mouth and may sometimes move around.

Dental implants

As with dentures, you can replace as many missing teeth as you need to with dental implants. However, dentures and dental implants are different in most other ways. For instance, dental implants are a surgical option for tooth replacement, as the implants are metal posts that are fitted into the jawbone. Once healed, the tooth restorations are permanently fixed to the implants.
Dental implants are the most comprehensive replacement option, but for some people the surgical requirement makes them less desirable.

Benefits of Replacing Missing Teeth

Replacing missing teeth has aesthetic benefits, of course—but there are several other reasons why it’s a good idea to do it if you can.
  • If you’re missing teeth, your ability to bite or chew properly may be impaired. Depending on the teeth you’re missing, this could limit your diet.
  • Tooth loss can affect your speech, as many common sounds, including F, S, and TH, can’t be made properly if certain teeth are missing.
  • Over time, tooth loss contributes to poor oral health, because adjacent teeth are destabilized and can shift into the gap. The end result is an increased risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and more tooth loss.
  • The chewing action of teeth helps keep the jawbone strong and stable. When teeth are missing the bone beneath the gap can get weaker over time. Dental implants are the one tooth replacement option that can prevent this happening. This is because they closely mimic the form and function of natural teeth.

Replace Missing Teeth ASAP

If you’re missing one or more teeth it’s important to have them restored promptly. This will help ensure that you’re not at risk of further oral health problems, and may improve the appearance of your smile too.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Treating Gum Disease with Scaling and Root Planing

Gum disease affects nearly half of the American population, but not everyone knows they have it. It occurs when plaque and tartar build up near the gum line, damaging the tissues needed to keep your teeth healthy. When gum disease affects an individual’s teeth, scaling and root planing is the best method for addressing this issue and restoring health.

Periodontal Health and Your Teeth

Your gums are what hold your teeth in place. When tartar builds up below the gum line, the connecting tissues and nerves detach from the tooth, opening a space where bacteria and pathogens may enter through the root canals. In addition to decay, the development of periodontal pockets, bleeding, and swelling, periodontal disease can lead to health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease.

If left untreated, gingivitis can advance into periodontitis, which eventually leads to tooth loss. Periodontal disease is entirely manageable when treated by your dentist early.

When gum disease is in its earliest stage, gingivitis, it can be easily addressed with a more rigorous cleaning. Patients with periodontitis can undergo a procedure called deep cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, instead. This treatment involves removing plaque and tartar from below the gumline using scaling tools, then smoothing the surface of teeth to close periodontal pockets may cause recurring issues of tartar and bacteria development. Patients also receive an antibacterial wash to rinse the area of harmful pathogens while promoting the body’s natural healing. Antibiotics may be administered by your dentists to improve your body’s defense against bacteria. 

What to Do after Scaling and Root Planing

If you have recently received a scaling and root planing treatment, the space between your gums and the tooth are open. Patients are advised to rinse often for the next 24 hours to wash away bacteria and maintain good general hygiene. Additionally, patients should avoid smoking or the use of tobacco products to reduce the risk of infection.

Find Out More

Learn more by visiting Dr. Thomsen and going over any concerns you may have involving your dental health. Call Thomsen Dental Group in Omaha and schedule a dental appointment to determine the right treatment for you.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Which Restoration Works Best, Implant-Supported or Traditional Dentures?

As we age, we increase our likelihood of losing one or more teeth. By the age of retirement, it’s not unlikely that many individuals have lost several teeth, if not an entire arch. If you’re reading this post, you are probably looking into the best possible replacement and would like to learn more about dentures and dental implants. If so, Thomsen Dental Group might be the right place for you.

The Merits of Traditional Dentures

There are two typically types of dentures, and both options have their merits.

Traditional dentures supply patients with an easy and affordable way to replace missing teeth. Dentures have been around for centuries, meaning its technology has been improved upon over and over again throughout the years. A good set of dentures can appear just like natural teeth, so much so that onlookers would have trouble considering otherwise.

Dentures are also minimally invasive. Receiving this restoration requires no surgery. Patients with certain anxieties may prefer to stick with traditional dentures that only rest over gums.

Dental Implants, and Why They Reign Supreme

However, those willing to receive implant-supported dentures gain a wide range of benefits.

When teeth go missing, the jawbone loses its support from teeth roots and goes through a process of resorption. In short, the strength and size of the jawbone deteriorate. Dental implants directly address this issue. Moreover, the material used to create the dental implant post, titanium, blends with the bone through a process called osseointegration, which creates a unity between the restoration and the jaw. This process bolsters the strength of the jaw in addition to supplying support that prevents accelerated jawbone deterioration.

It’s important to note that dental implants also increase the stability and strength of the bite. Dental implants allow supported dentures to anchor themselves onto implants posts, which in turn are anchored to the bone. This provides improved comfort and greater stability when eating and speaking. Additionally, this allows patients with dental implants to enjoy all types of food with minimal diet restrictions.

Which Option Works Best?

In short, implant-supported dentures supply the most comprehensive replacement for missing teeth. Dental implants replace the entire tooth from root to crown, meaning these restorations address many dental issues related to missing teeth that traditional dentures alone cannot.

Learn More!

Find out more about the difference between dentures and dental implants by calling or visiting Thomsen Dental Group in Omaha, NE and scheduling a conference with Drs. Brett or Allen today!

Monday, May 23, 2016

The Advantages of Professional Teeth Whitening

Improving the look of your smile should not require extensive cosmetic treatments. For patients seeking an alternative to traditional cosmetic dentistry, professional teeth whitening systems present the ideal way for transforming dulled or yellowing teeth into beautiful, white smiles. If you are weighing your options for improving the look of your dentition, consider the following advantages of professional teeth whitening.

Consistent Results
While convenient and inexpensive, over-the-counter teeth whitening systems are designed to fit the general whitening needs of diverse patients. As a result, this treatment lacks the personalization required to provide patients with a customized whitening treatment plan tailored to the shape of their smile and ideal shade goals. Professional whitening, on the other hand, can be customized to best suit your needs.

Minimally Invasive
While effective, traditional cosmetic treatments such as crowns and veneers can be invasive, requiring that part of the tooth be removed in order to successfully place the treatments. For patients with healthy teeth who are simply looking to improve the shade of their smile, these conventional options can do more harm than good, compromising the overall health of their smile. As teeth bleaching gel is topically applied to the teeth, patients do not need to worry about any changes being made the physical structure of their dentition.

Natural Looking Teeth
Over-the-counter teeth whitening systems often come with a standard amount of bleach already preloaded onto generic trays. If worn too long or improperly, patients run the risk of over bleaching their smile. With professional teeth whitening, the bleaching gel is precisely applied to the teeth, ensuring the results natural looking results.

Less Sensitivity 
When using over-the-counter whitening systems, many patients often experience tooth sensitivity, making the experience of bleaching the smile uncomfortable. As there are no custom trays used to bleach the smile, some gel may get on the gums, increasing sensitivity. With professional teeth bleaching, custom trays are made to ensure the bleach only makes contact with the teeth. Additionally, some professional bleaching systems, such as Opalescence, are designed to include potassium fluoride. This compound helps strengthen tooth enamel while limiting dental sensitivity, leading to an overall more pleasant experience.

Flexible Treatment Options 
Traditional cosmetic treatments often require multiple visits to the dentist in order to completely transform the dentition. Professional teeth whitening systems are available as both in-office and take-home treatments, making it just as convenient as over-the-counter whitening systems.

In Omaha, Drs. Brett Thomsen and Allen Thomsen use Opalescence and Kör professional whitening systems to help patients achieve a beautiful, healthy looking smile. For more information about teeth whitening, contact Thomsen Dental Group today.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Value of Flossing

At-home oral hygiene makes up a critical part of preventivedentistry. Without a consistent and comprehensive hygiene routine, patients put themselves at risk of developing extensive dental issues which can compromise the overall function, aesthetics, and health of their smile. In particular, failure to floss correctly and consistently can leave smiles vulnerable to periodontal disease as well as cavities and more severe tooth decay.

If you are unsure of how to floss correctly, check out the following techniques for a fail-safe flossing routine:

Choose the Right Floss
With so many types of floss available, selecting the right kind can be a challenge. For patients with tight spaces between their teeth, a waxed floss ensure proper plaque removal without shedding between teeth. For individuals or children that have a hard time reaching maneuvering within their mouths, floss picks or themed flossers can ensure that your smile is properly cleaned without having to struggle to get between all the teeth.

Use Enough Floss
Ideally, you should be using about 18 inches of floss in order to properly clean every space. With too much, you may find yourself wasting floss. With too short of a string, you may find it difficult to hold the floss and get between every space, or you might reusing floss on teeth and therefore reintroducing plaque and debris back into your smile.

Wrap it Right
To hold the floss correctly, wind most of the string around one middle finger. The remaining floss should be wrapped around the corresponding finger on the other hand. To maneuver the floss, hold it tightly between your thumbs and forefingers. As the string gets dirty, gradually wrap it around the secondary middle finger, moving used floss out of the mouth.

Guide the Floss
Forcing the string between teeth is not only ineffective for removing plaque, but it can also damage the gums. Rather, guide the floss between your teeth using a gentle rubbing motion. Once you reach the gum line, curve the string into a C shape against the tooth, maneuvering the floss between the gum and tooth. Avoid yanking out the floss once you’re done with a tooth as well, as this can also damage the soft tissue.

Flossing is only effective if you floss every tooth every day. That includes not only the teeth at the front of the smile but also the molars at the back and the space behind the final molar. As plaque can harden into tartar in a matter of days, daily flossing is critical to preventing gingivitis and cavities from progressing into more serious conditions.

At Thomsen Dental Group, Dr. Brett Thomsen and Dr. Allen Thomsen are dedicated to helping patients of all ages achieve a healthy, beautiful smile. Through our dedication to improving patient knowledge, we work closely with all new patients to ensure that they understand the importance of effective daily hygiene, including flossing, as well as the techniques needed to keep their smile healthy. For more information about effective preventive care in Omaha, contact our dentists today.  

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Impact of Gum Disease

While easily prevented, gum disease affects countless adults throughout the country every year. In addition to damaging the health of the smile, this condition can also yield long-term consequences beyond the dentition.

What is Gum Disease?
Also known as periodontal disease, this condition progresses over the course of three distinct phases. During the first stage, hardened plaque known as tartar begins to accumulate along the gum line, causing tissue irritation and bleeding. As the condition progresses, more bacteria and tartar begin to build up, causing the gums to pull away and form pockets in the spaces between the teeth and tissue.

During this second stage, these periodontal pockets begin to trap oral debris, bacteria, and additional tartar. The pockets also provide the disease-causing bacteria with an opportunity to spread below the gum line. Once below the gums, the bacteria begins to eat away at the tissue and bone which support the rest of the smile. In this final phase of gum disease, patients may experience loose teeth, complete tooth loss, and gum recession as well as bone deterioration.

Gum Disease and the Body
While at first glance gum disease seems like an isolated dental problem, the condition can have long-term consequences for the health of the rest of the body. In recent years, studies have suggested that the presence of gum disease bacteria may increase an individual’s likelihood of heart attack, stroke, or cardiovascular disease. Many scientists believe that this link is a result of the bacteria entering into the blood stream once below the gum line or as a result of the inflammation caused by the bacteria throughout the various stages.

In addition to increasing the likelihood of cardiovascular disease and stroke, gum disease can also have serious consequences for individuals with existing conditions. For patients with diabetes, periodontal disease can make it more difficult to control blood sugar as the condition actually increases blood sugar, increasing the risk for further diabetic complications. Similarly, pregnant women with gum disease are at a higher risk of experiencing complicated pregnancies and high-risk terms. Like any other infection, gum disease also poses a risk to the unborn baby, potentially leading to premature birth or low-birth weight.

Protect Your Smile Today
While the consequences of gum disease are serious, the condition is easily prevented through the adoption of effective oral hygiene regimens as well as regular professional cleanings. In Omaha, Drs. Brett and Allen Thomsen are committed to providing patients with comprehensive dental solutions to help them achieve and maintain their smiles and prevent the onset of gum disease. To learn more about proactive gum disease prevention and treatment, contact our Omaha dental practice today.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Welcome to our blog!

We're excited to announce the official launch of our Thomsen Dental Group blog.

We'll be posting helpful dental tips, news from the dental industry, news from our practice, and more about the latest in dentistry.

We built our practice on the notion that we're there for our patients when they need us and we want our online presence to be a reflection of that principle. We hope this blog provides an extra level of service to our current and future patients. Thomsen Dental Group, simply click the RSS “Subscribe to feed” link located on our website and subscribe. Our subscribers will be updated when we make a new blog post.

Here's to your best oral health ever!